What’s in a Monogram?

Monograms are a simple yet elegant way to personalize your wedding stationery. It’s a very versatile design that reflects your style, from complex and classic to sleek and modern. It can also incorporate many themes such as, vintage flourishing, peacock feathers, Fleur-de-Lis, and so on.
When choosing a monogram for your stationery or theme there are three points of etiquette to consider.
The Engagement Monogram – Before the wedding, during the engagement, the bride is still using her maiden name. At this point, the couple may use the initials of their first names.This applies to everything from Save-the Dates, to Invitation Suites, to Ceremony Programs.
The Traditional Wedding Monogram – After the wedding ceremony the couple are married both legally and in the eyes of their God, which entitles them to many benefits, one of which is the three letter monogram. This can be a replica of the engagement monogram, with the addition of the initial of the brides’ new last name. This applies to all ceremony decor, thank you notes, envelopes, and change of address cards.
The New-Traditional Wedding Monogram – For brides keeping their maiden names or hyphenating their old and new names or for same sex couples, a different monogram is called for. In this case, we could overlap the last name initials, blend them together to make a new symbol or word, or join them at the top in a clover pattern. The possibilities are limited only by our cumulative imaginations.

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